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    "To add life to their days, not days to their lives."

    Cicely Saunders

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    For some time filled with life

    There’s still life to live, even while someone is dying

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    More than 20 years experience in running a children's hospice.

    The Björn Schulz Foundation has been there for families since 1996.

So much to do. So little time

The Björn Schulz Foundation provides aid to the families of children with fatal illnesses. Services include: the Sonnenhof hospice for children, youths and young adults; a variety of ambulatory services with options for follow-up care and recuperation, as well as help grieving for the time after a child's death.

About the Björn Schulz Foundation

About 50,000 children, youths and young adults in Germany live with diseases that will cut short their lives. Every year, between 3,000 and 5,000 of them die.

The Björn Schulz Foundation has been supporting children, youths and young adults with untreatable and fatal diseases - and their families - since 1996. The primary focus is on the needs of the family and ways to provide relief. The foundation begins accompanying the family at the time of diagnosis, providing comprehensive and professional assistance. This cooperation can often last for the multiple years a family lives with the disease, and beyond the time of the child's death.


  • Germany's first ambulatory children's hospice service began its work in 1997. The Sonnenhof hospice for children, youths and young adults opened in 2002.
  • The principle of the Björn Schulz Foundation's work is: When a child is seriously sick, then the whole family is affected. That's why, over the years, a network of aid with a variety of ambulatory services has been created.

The foundation is in large part reliant on donations for its work.


Helfen Sie mit!

Die drei spendenfinanzierten Säulen in der Kinderhospizarbeit sind unsere Begleitung der Familien im Sonnenhof und Irmengard-Hof, die Geschwister- und Trauerangebote. All das können wir dank Ihrer Spende finanzieren.