
So much to do. So little time.

The Björn Schulz Stiftung helps families of terminally ill children. Its facilities include: the in-patient Sonnenhof children's hospice; a variety of ambulatory services; programs for continuing care and recovery; as well as assistance mourning for the time after a child's death.

We're the staff of the Björn Schulz Foundation

    Your contacts at the Björn Schulz Foundation

    Björn Schulz Foundation
    Wilhelm-Wolff-Straße 38
    13156 Berlin
    Phone: 030 398 998 50


    General information

    Donations and support

    Bärbel Mangels-Keil

    Gudrun Crämer 

    Human Resources
    Heike Thümmler

    Foundation communications
    Claudia Dinse

    Kyra Gawlista

    Sonnenhof management
    Ute Klamp-Rinckens

    Sonnenhof hospice administration
    Pia Heinreich 

    Nursing administration
    Liliane Paarmann

    Chief doctor
    Dr. Kerstin Lieber, pediatric palliative medicine

    Ambulatory services management
    Urte Heitmann
    Nils Groß

    Irmengard-Hof administration
    Marjon Bos


    The foundation's boards

    The foundation's council
    Thomas Schmidt (chairman), Jörn Wittke, Claudia Bartz (deputy chairman), Hakan Uzun, Kristian Jarmuschek

    Science and policy council
    Prof. Dr. Stefan Büttner-von Stülpnagel, Dr. Mania Feilcke-Dierck, Prof. Dr. Sven Jennessen, Dr. Elke Leonhard, Patrick Meinhardt, Yves Rawiel, Fatos Topac


    Photos: Björn Schulz Stiftung, avisio - Uta Kellermann, Frank Nürnberger

    Helfen Sie mit!

    Die drei spendenfinanzierten Säulen in der Kinderhospizarbeit sind unsere Begleitung der Familien im Sonnenhof und Irmengard-Hof, die Geschwister- und Trauerangebote. All das können wir dank Ihrer Spende finanzieren.