
Second hand goods for a good cause

We are always on the lookout for ways we can support families with seriously or incurably ill young people, as well as their dependents.

At our Schatzinsel (Treasure Island) - our second-hand goods store - our volunteers take everyday items that were donated to use and then resell them. All profits go to the operations of the Björn Schulz Foundation. Come by and check out the about 80 square meters of shelves lovingly decorated and stocked by our volunteers, full of used children's clothing and old toys.

If you want to donate anything, be a volunteer or support us with a donation - and help with the care of a seriously or incurably ill child - you certainly can.

Where?    Schatzinsel - Second Hand Store of the Björn Schulz Foundation
           Heinrich-Böll-Straße 61 

           13156 Berlin-Niederschönhausen 
           Telephone: 030 34664999

How do I do it? We ask that you don't donate plush toys.

But we will happily take children's clothing, toys, household wares and decorative items. Please bear in mind that our storage capacities are very limited. That's why we can only take seasonally appropriate clothing and decorations. Please also bear in mind that we can only accept clean and functional items. Sorting and disposing of items takes a lot of time and money.

Thanks for your support!



Openin Hours

Monday noon to 5 pm, Tuesday and Thursday, 10 am to 5 pm, and Fridays 10 am to 3 pm